www.partiebi.ge is a project by EECMD, which from 2012 onwards regularly publishes pre-election views of the political parties/mayoral candidates regarding the most important political, economic and social issues in the country. The project is funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Georgia and aims to foster an informed political debate on the issues that are important to the Georgian society for upcoming local self-government elections of 2017. By creating this multiparty website, more mayoral candidates will be given an opportunity to develop pre-election political vision, and through the online platform, make that vision accessible for all interested stakeholders.
Additionally, through this website, visitors will be able to compare the programs of the mayoral candidates on the issues of their interest. Any registered mayoral candidate in Tbilisi, who participates in the local self-government elections of 2017, can publish his/her electoral vision on www.partiebi.ge. For this, you need to send a filled-in questionnaire (download here) to the following email address: contact@eecmd.org