This publication (in Georgian only) is a collection of expert analysis published by the NIMD South Caucasus Representation with the support of Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, within the framework of the project: “Strengthening women’s engagement in the political life of Georgia”. During the period of the project, thematic discussions have been organized in Tbilisi and other five cities of Georgia on the subject of gender equality, attended by the members of the government and the Parliament, local and international NGOs as well as by the independent experts. An expert review, prepared by an independent expert based on the thematic discussions, became the basis for the publication.
The publication includes the gender analysis of 2012 Parliamentary elections as well as the analytical documents written by five independent experts, invited by the organization, on the following subjects: gender equality in labor relations, educational policy planning, violence against the women, the coverage of gender equality issue in media and the gender mainstreaming of the budget.
This publication does not reflect any political or state interest. The opinions expressed in the publication do not necessarily reflect the views of NIMD and its management. NIMD does not take responsibility for the accuracy of facts and data used by the authors or the citation of sources in the publication.
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