Eastern European Centre for Multiparty Democracy (EECMD), with the financial support of the Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy (DIPD), carries out the project “Enhancing Institutional and Electoral Capacities of Democratic Political Parties in Georgia”. The main objective of the project is to enhance the multiparty system of Georgia by strengthening the political parties that have clearly articulated democratic political aims and have shown sufficient commitment and require support in improving their policy.
To meet the project objectives, EECMD partners five political parties (“Aleko Elisashvili – Citizens”, “For Justice”, “Free Democrats”, “Lelo for Georgia”, and “Republican Party of Georgia”) and supports them in enhancing their organizational capacities, engaging directly with voters through dialogue platforms, and strengthening their international networks.
In the run-up to the Parliamentary Elections of 2020, the EECMD actively worked with the above-mentioned five political parties and assisted them in the development of Covid-19 Response Anti-Crisis Plans. The Plans outline specific steps and recommendations to sort out challenges in response to healthcare, economy, social security, tourism, agriculture, education, disinformation, external threats, or other prominent spheres. Additionally, the EECMD team organized the presentation events of Covid-19 Response Anti-Crisis Plans and helped political parties to present them to the wider society in five cities of Georgia (Tbilisi, Gori, Batumi, Telavi, and Kutaisi).
In the upcoming months, the range of activities is planned under the project. Those include – the development and integration of an online decision-making platform Consul for political parties, multiparty dialogue sessions in five cities (Tbilisi, Gori, Batumi, Telavi, and Kutaisi), and an international study visit to Denmark.
EECMD carries out the project, “Enhancing Institutional and Electoral Capacities of Democratic Political Parties in Georgia” with the financial support of the Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy (DIPD).